CAN Europe’s energy transition vision. Safe, stable and sustainable.


How should Europe’s energy landscape look like in the future? What will be Europe’s energy supply in 2040? This infographic illustrates the transition that needs to happen during the next two decades to achieve net zero emissions in a highly efficient, fully renewable energy system.

Compared to the polluting past of inefficient fossil fuels and nuclear power, we will consume less energy. This is possible thanks to the deep renovation of our buildings and a circular economy. A multitude of distributed renewable energy and storage technologies guarantees a secure supply at every moment. Through a well-connected infrastructure, our buildings, the industry and transport interact closely to match the renewable supply with different energy demands.

Basically all technologies in this landscape are already available. As proven solutions, they can easily be rolled out and scaled up across the entire continent while respecting strict sustainability criteria. The infographic translates CAN Europe’s energy transition vision, as it is detailed in our Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) energy scenario.